Greetings from Leeds, England (close to it, that is)! JJ & the family took me to Canterbury this morning. Then I took a National Express Bus Trip from Canterbury to London to Leeds and then out to Otley. I'll be doing some recordings with my friend Ben Mosely up here.
It was a long drive-6 hours. On the last bus an elderly lady named "Brenda" started talking with me. That was great! She noticed my guitar and my semi-big suitcase and she said, "My, you are heavy laiden". All I could think of was a Bible verse about "All ye who are heavy laided, come unto me and I will give you rest" However, she didn't
Then, she did the unthinkable!!! She handed me candy..not just any candy..but a licorice/menthol hard candy and she said "sweets?" Now, I know that you aren't supposed to take candy from strangers (hehe) but I was conflicted because she was SO kind (attention *children, do not follow this example and take candy from strangers please. Thanks). So, I said "thank you very much". (extra information-*although, I appreciated the gesture, I do not necessarily recommend any candy that is a combo of licorice and menthol) :0)
Then 10 minutes later she gave me another one and told me to keep it for later. I felt weird, so I pulled out the Rhubard/Custard Hard Candies that I bought and gave her one. "Oh dear, you didn't have to do that" and then she smiled and said "Cheers!" and took one. On her way out of the bus I smiled, gave her a bag that she almost left behind, and then watched her pause and give a licorice candy to the bus driver. She waved to me from outside the bus.
I finally made it to my awaited bus stop. I had the printed out walking directions from my friend to the house. So, I was lugging my suitcase and guitar up the hill and through a supermarket parking lot. People were staring at me..some scratching their head and some like "what in the samhill?"...it's was a funny journey. Mission accomplished. I am hear. Let the recordings being!
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